How to dry carrots in oven or dehydrator [complete guide]

Carrots are a vegetable that can be dried for future use. They should be cut into 1-inch pieces and then blanched in boiling water before being air-dried until they have shrunk to half their size. This process is necessary to ensure the carrot will not spoil during storage. When ready, carrots can be stored in jars or bags with an oxygen absorber packet inside, ensuring it stays fresh for up to one year!

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how to dry carrots

This blog post will explain how to dry carrots at home so you’ll never run out of this healthy snack again!

How to Dry Carrots in oven

Drying carrots is a great way to maintain the vegetable’s freshness long after it has been harvested, stored in the refrigerator, or even when leftovers are available. Carrots are rich in beta carotene which can be turned into Vitamin A when dried and consumed regularly. Dried carrots may also be used in soups or stews to enhance their flavor while adding fiber content into your diet.

1) Peel off the outer skin of carrots using a peeler. Trim roots using a sharp knife before peeling them since they’re not peeled properly for consumption

2) Cut off both ends of cleaned carrots using a chef’s knife

3) Cut carrots into smaller sections. Peel each section before cutting them again depending on how you want to use them: i.e. dried carrots strips, dried sticks, or dried powder

4) Place cut carrots into a large pot of boiling water and simmer for about 10 minutes to quickly blanch it. Blanching is optional as you may simply choose to dry the carrot as it is after cutting and cleaning but this step prevents discoloration that might occur when drying

5) Using tongs, remove blanched carrots from boiling water and transfer them to a baking sheet arranged in a single layer

6) Turn the oven on to its lowest temperature setting which should be around 150 degrees Fahrenheit

7) Air dry carrots until they’re crispy by leaving the oven door slightly open overnight

8) Transfer air-dried carrots into an airtight container and store them in a cool dry place. Dried carrots are good for up to 3 weeks when stored properly

How to Dry Carrots in a Dehydrator

When: It’s that time of year and you have a bumper crop of carrots.

Why: To preserve them for later use without freezing or canning.

How: Drying your bounty is an easy way to enjoy your harvest all year round.

Carrots are one of those veggies that I feel like everyone always buys at the store but never grows themselves (at least not as many people as could).

Well, I’m here to tell you it isn’t hard at all! A little known fact about me is that my family used to own a large organic farm and we grew acres and acres full of different types of produce each year (and still do).

So I’ve had my fair share of pickling, canning, freezing, and dehydrating produce so I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how to go about each method.

Alrighty…so you’ve got your bounty of carrots sitting on the counter or in the pantry, what do you do with them now? Here are the steps for drying your carrots.

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Materials Needed:

  • Dehydrator (for more information see my article How to Use a Food Dehydrator )

Step 1: Cleaning Your Carrots 

Do you want to give these guys a really good scrub down before you start prepping them because who wants dirt in their dried veggies!?

Step 2: Cutting Up Your Carrots

This step is only necessary if your carrots are not super tiny. If they are small, you can leave them whole, but if they are too big to fit in your dehydrator trays, cut them into smaller pieces so they’ll lay flat.

Step 3: Blanching Your Carrots (optional)

Before I put my carrots into the dehydrator to dry, I like to blanch them first. This will keep your beautiful orange color and kill any bacteria that may be lingering on the carrots before dehydration starts. To do this, bring a pot of water to boil and drop each carrot in one at a time (you want the temperature of the water to stay hot!).

At this point make sure you’ve filled your sink up with cold water because after about 2 minutes you will need to quickly submerge the carrots into the cold water so they stop cooking. Voila! No more orange color and safe to dry away!

Step 4: Drying Your Carrots

This is a super easy process too because you just lay out your prepped carrots onto your dehydrator trays and turn on your machine. I did mine at a temperature of 135° for about 6 hours (give or take depending on how many trays you’re using).

You must rotate the trays halfway through for everything to get dried equally. After everything is done, it should be crunchy like store-bought dried baby carrots. You can add some sea salt using a salt shaker or any other spices before dehydrating if you want, but I prefer them plain.

How to Use Dehydrated Carrots Introduction

Dehydrated carrots are one of the most versatile vegetables to keep on hand. They last for years when dehydrated, so stock up! Dehydrated carrots are easy to reconstitute by soaking them in water or cooking with them, so you can use them after your long-term storage is established.

You can also grind dehydrated carrots into a powder, which is tasty as a thickener for soups or even carrot juice.

Use dehydrated carrots to make the soup thicker and creamier, or let them soak in water to top off salads and veggie dishes. Here’s how you can use dehydrated carrots:

Reconstituting Dehydrated Carrots

Dried veggies like dehydrated carrots can be placed directly in soups, stews, or other dishes to add vitamins and fiber. For soups, pour bottled water over the dried vegetables until they are covered. It’s best to let them soak in the fridge overnight so that they fully rehydrate and plump back up again.

If you want to eat your dehydrated carrots right away, use boiling water instead and allow them to reconstitute for about 30 minutes before adding them to recipes.

Reconstituted carrots can be used as a soup thickener too! Add some carrot powder to melted butter and whisk it together with other dry seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper to make a creamy sauce base. Then add plain canned coconut milk for a delicious sweet flavor without any dairy.

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Reconstituted carrot powder can also be used in place of flour or corn starch to thicken and add flavor and nutrition to gravies, sauces,, and casseroles. Simply mix one tablespoon of water into every three tablespoons of dehydrated carrot powder to make a thick vegan sauce base for savory dishes. You can also add two teaspoons of garlic powder, onion powder, and salt for extra flavor.

Dehydrating Carrots

You don’t need special equipment to dehydrate carrots. Just wash them thoroughly with cold water, chop them into uniform pieces about one inch long,, and spread them on parchment paper-covered baking sheets or mesh screens that allow airflow between the slices.

Dehydrate at 125°F until completely dried out, which can take anywhere from 5 to 12 hours depending on how thick you cut the carrots.

You can also add a little lemon juice and sea salt over your dried carrots to help break them down, and it makes them even more flavorful and nutritious! The best thing about dehydrated vegetables is that they stay good for years in storage if kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

How to Dehydrate Carrots

Dehydrated Carrots Nutrition Information

Carrots are rich in beta carotene (vitamin A) and fiber, two nutrients that work together to promote eye health. Vitamin A deficiency is linked with blindness because it affects the retina of the eyes.

Diets rich in vitamin A can reduce cancer risk by preventing uncontrolled proliferation. Beta-carotene can also reduce your risk for age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in adults over 50.

Dehydrated carrots are nutritious snacks that you can store long-term or use immediately. It’s easy to keep a supply of them on hand by dehydrating them at home! If you buy carrots from the grocery store, simply peel them, wash them thoroughly and dry them on baking sheets covered with parchment paper.

Allow the slices to fully dehydrate before storing until ready to reconstitute for cooking or snacking. Dehydrating may take anywhere from 5 to 12 hours depending on how large you cut the carrots. If they are about one inch thick, it will take closer to five hours in an electric dehydration unit at 125°F.

Dehydrated carrots may be used to make soup, stew,, and stews thicker and creamier without any dairy. Just add the powder directly into water or coconut milk (coconut milk is preferred) and whisk until it creates a creamy sauce, no thickeners required!

Add seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder,, and black pepper for extra zest. You can also use dehydrated carrot slices as a rice or pasta filler substitute in casseroles and soups.

Simply soak them in water and drain them before adding to recipes and they will rehydrate within 30 minutes. Add your favorite vegan cheese derivatives too for extra flavor!

In addition to being tasty, carrots have been shown by several studies to improve lung inflammation and reduce the impact of asthma. They also contain antioxidants that help prevent bowel cancer.

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A healthy digestive system means healthier skin because it keeps toxins out of your liver and releases them through sweat, urine, or stool.

Faqs about drying carrots

What is the best time to dehydrate carrots?

Do you want your carrots to be crunchy or tender? The answer is going to depend on the weather and how thick they are. A typical amount of time for drying will range from 6-10 hours, but it’s okay if some don’t get done in 10 because just let them run longer as needed – checking every hour or so!

What are the benefits of freeze-drying vegetables?

The process of freeze-drying carrots is a quick and efficient way to get rid of your carrot leftovers. Once you have access, this method will leave the food with no moisture at all so that it can last for months if not years on end!

What is the best way to dehydrate carrots in a microwave?

You can also dehydrate them in the microwave. Place the carrots on wax sheets and use a defrost setting for about 5 minutes, checking after 3 or 4 of these times so far but if not dried continue until they reach your desired texture!

How do I dehydrate carrots?

Carrot chips are dehydrated carrots that have been dried at 125°F or 52°C until they become brittle and leathery. When cut in half, there should not be any soft spots on the inside of either piece; if a carrot slice breaks apart easily then it belongs to those with sensitive skins who cannot handle dryness! Drying time for this type varies from 8-12 hours while shredded varieties can take anywhere between 6 -10 hrs before being done completely (depending upon thickness).

How do I dry carrots in the sun?

To get the most nutritional benefits from your carrots, make sure you dry them thoroughly. Place layers of raw carrot on large baking sheets and leave in direct sunlight until they are crunchy-dry about 2 days before using them indoors at night time to avoid dew which will cause spoilage.
The easiest way is by spreading out thin individual slices or cut pieces onto a cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil so it doesn’t touch anything while still allowing plenty of space between each piece as not all vegetables have been created equal when comesatter temperature tolerance levels

How do I dehydrate carrots in the oven?

Place a rack in the baking dish and arrange carrots around it so they are not touching. Set oven temperature to 125F or 135 F, 52 Celsius for best results with this recipe!

Conclusion about How to Dry Carrots in oven

If you’re looking for a new way of drying carrots, we recommend slicing them into thin strips and then oven drying. The carrot will shrink as it dries which is why this technique works well. Also, the flavor of your food can be enhanced with this method because it allows more natural flavors to come through without relying on added sugars or spices for flavoring.

As always, let us know if you have any questions about our process! We are happy to help answer any inquiries that may arise from reading this post: How to Dry Carrots?

Paul Goral

Paul Goral

I am the founder of Brooklyn Grill and I have a master’s degree in Engineering Acoustics. I love cooking, grilling, and trying new recipes. I also love camping and high-quality knives. I wanted to start this blog and share my passion with others.